Unsure » Atheists are very intelligent and base their viewpoints on facts rather than faith and confirmation bias.
I know a lot of atheists that are a lot smarter than me, that's fer sure. My point is that they aren't smarter than God (if He exists). The points people are making is, why is God soooooooo mean (if He exists)? No, I take it back...they don't ask, they declare it, as if it's a fact. God murders people whose only offense is that they occupy land that He gave the Israelites. Therefore, God's a meanie. A degenerate desert god who has a zero tolerance policy for sin.
That's where it's an issue for me, so therefore my statement that God views them as "foolish" (his word). No matter how sharp you are...how smart...how educated, if you don't have the same facts, or details, and if you don't have the same standards of morality, then you can't stand in judgment of God. After all, He has all the facts (if He exists) and He knows what their deeds were and what was in their hearts.
Atheism wasn't an issue in the days of Moses. The people had seen Moses come down from the mount with a face like amber. They'd seen the parting of the Red Sea and the ten plagues in Egypt. The issue was God's judgments. And today, atheists (smart but ignorant) sit in judgment of God, defending peoples and practices they know nothing of. In pre-flood times we don't know a thing about the peoples, cultures, religions or practices. We know something of the religions of the Canaanites and of the ancient Carthaginians, and they were despicable peoples who burned their children alive and sold their daughters into ritual prostitution.
No matter how smart a person is, the wisdom of men, even the smartest one, is foolishness to God. That's why if God exists, the issue is moot. And if He doesn't exist, I suppose it's also moot. What's not is that we're far from knowing everything.